Live Chat Support Services & Software for Law Firms
It's time to greet the anonymous 95% of visitors on your website
1.2 Billion Visitors greeted
13 Million Chats
7 Million Leads generated

We do not use bots

Live Operators
We offer 24/7 In-house Fully Managed Live Operator Chat Support!

Attorney Managed or Back Up
We also offer Attorney managed, Back Up or After Hours service options!

Quick and easy Chat integration with all website providers
Everything we do is guided by Behavioral Data Science!
Size and look of icons
Timing of proactive greeting
Operator Images
Operator Names
And a whole lot more!

BDC Style Scripts refined over 13 million chats
We know what to say....
How to say it....
When to say it....
for Optimal Engagement
Dynamic Real Time Lead Routing

Chat Survey
We survey every visitor at the
end of each chat to report and
ensure customer satisfaction!

Integrated Text (SMS) Platform
on average
65% of website visitors are on a mobile
85% that use SMS option convert to leads
Enterprise level
Multi Language
Translation Tools
Enterprise level
Multi Language
Translation Tools

Live Video Chat
Build rapport, value and perform a live video walk around presentation at the touch of a button with our advanced LegalChat mobile apps.

24/7 managed Messenger & Instagram
Facebook recommends that you use a professional chat provider to answer your messenger and make leads.
LegalChat's operator sees a thumbnail of the image while chatting-to answer questions professionally!
Attorney will see the client in the lead!

Google Analytics Integration
Easily track your LegalChat leads in Google Analytics to determine the source of those leads by campaign, origin, keyword, referring sites and more. This will help you dial in your digital marketing strategy and make decisions guided by data.

Reports and Analytics
Powerful, graphic reports providing detailed analysis of your web site(s) to help you understand what is working and what can be improved. All reports can be exported to XLS.

High Performance

PCi DSS Compliant Payment System and Infrastructure