Live chat on law firm mobile websites helps gain clients.
If the traffic from mobile device users on your website is greater than 50%, 24-hour managed live chat is a must. It is clear that how people use mobile devices is also very different from the desktop computer. It is at all hours and all locations. Here are just a few of the places people are using smartphones:
- Multitasking with TV or other digital devices
- Grocery store lines
- Work breaks
- Traveling to / from work
- During exercise
- Airport / airplane cabin
- Before / after school classes
If people are always using mobile devices, then you always have to be available to them online. The best way to do that is with Live Chat from LegalChat. We were the pioneers of chat on mobile and continue to lead the industry with new and innovative technology that helps lawyers connect with clients.
LegalChat technology helps you gain clients
Twenty-four-hour availability isn’t the only reason for adding LegalChat to your law firm website. LegalChat has dozens of full-time programmers on staff to ensure our clients have the latest and most-efficient live chat technology available. Last year the company became one of the first chat providers in nearly industry to make the substantial upgrade to SignalR server technology that helps ensure unsurpassed mobile chat reliability. The company has meticulously tested everything from customer-facing icons, to the chat console, to A/B-tested scripting that generates the highest amount of quality leads. Other features such as TRUSTe privacy certification, continuously-trained operators, and an award-winning console are also valuable assets for law firm or legal services website.
Mobile phone technology continues to grow and so does the number of people using the web on the move. To capture quality lead information from smartphone users, LegalChat is one of the best resources available for websites.